Constraint Programming With Cplex: Full How To Guide

Are you ready to unlock the full potential of optimization? Welcome to the world of Constraint Programming (CP) with Cplex, a versatile and powerful technique that efficiently solves complex problems. In this comprehensive article, we’ll take you on a journey through the theoretical foundations of Constraint Programming and show you how to apply it practically using CPLEX and C++. If you’re curious about tackling optimization challenges with precision and efficiency, this is the right place for you. Let’s dive in and discover the magic of Constraint Programming in the world of optimization!

Theoretical Foundations of Constraint Programming

What is Constraint Programming?

Constraint Programming (CP) one of the most interesting optimization model types, it is a powerful optimization technique that goes beyond the conventional methods. This occurs by taking into account a set of constraints that define the feasible solution space. Unlike traditional optimization approaches that aim to find the optimal values for variables, CP focuses on finding solutions that satisfy all the specified constraints. This unique approach makes it an excellent choice for tackling complex problems with intricate constraints and discrete decision variables.

Imagine you have a complex problem with multiple variables and a multitude of constraints that the solution must adhere to. In such cases, CP shines as it efficiently explores the solution space, considering all possible combinations of variables while ensuring each solution meets the given constraints. It is particularly useful in scenarios where traditional mathematical optimization methods struggle due to the combinatorial nature of the problem.

CP works by iteratively narrowing down the solution space based on the constraints. Thus significantly reducing the search space compared to exhaustive search methods. This pruning process allows CP to quickly identify feasible solutions, making it highly effective for large-scale and combinatorial optimization problems.

Furthermore, CP’s ability to handle discrete decision variables and non-linear constraints further expands its application range. From scheduling and timetabling to resource allocation and logistics, Constraint Programming proves to be a versatile tool for a wide range of optimization challenges.

Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs)

At the heart of Constraint Programming lies Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs), a fundamental class of problems where the objective is to find a combination of values for decision variables that satisfy all constraints simultaneously. CSPs encompass a wide range of real-world problems, such as scheduling, resource allocation, and planning. This make it essential in various domains.

Imagine a scenario where you need to schedule a series of tasks on limited resources, ensuring that each task’s constraints, such as start times, durations, and dependencies, are satisfied. In such cases, CP comes to the rescue by systematically navigating through the vast solution space, evaluating different combinations of decision variable values, and identifying feasible solutions that meet all the specified constraints.

Algorithms in Constraint Programming with Cplex

Constraint Programming employs a range of powerful algorithms to efficiently navigate the solution space and find the exact solution. These algorithms leverage the logical structure of the constraints to prune the search space and improve the overall performance of solving CSPs. Let’s delve into some of the key algorithms used in CP:

Backtracking Search

Firstly, backtracking is a fundamental algorithm in CP that systematically explores the solution space by incrementally assigning values to decision variables. It operates recursively and backtracks when a it encounters a constraint violation. By intelligently navigating through different combinations of variable assignments, it effectively discards infeasible solutions and efficiently reaches valid ones.

Consider a Sudoku puzzle. Backtracking search starts by assigning a value to an empty cell. It then checks if the assignment satisfies the Sudoku constraints (i.e., no repeated numbers in rows, columns, and 3×3 grids). If the assignment violates any constraint, backtracking occurs, and a different value is tried until it finds a valid solution.

Constraint Propagation

Secondly, constraint propagation is a vital technique used to deduce additional information about decision variables based on the logical implications of the constraints. As new information is inferred, it is propagated through the constraints to eliminate irrelevant branches in the search space. This process reduces the overall search effort, making the solution process more efficient.

In a scheduling problem, where events have specific time constraints, constraint propagation can infer that certain events must occur before or after others. This information helps to prune the search space, accelerating the solution process.

Arc-Consistency Algorithms

Furthermore, arc-consistency algorithms enforce arc-consistency in a CSP, ensuring that each variable assignment satisfies all binary constraints. By iteratively examining and updating the domains of variables, these algorithms simplify the problem and enhance the efficiency of the search process.

In a graph coloring problem, where adjacent nodes cannot have the same color, arc-consistency algorithms eliminate color assignments that violate this constraint, reducing the search space and potentially leading to a faster solution.

Advanced Constraint Programming Enhancements

Moreover, in advanced Constraint Programming (CP), we encounter specific challenges that require sophisticated techniques to enhance performance and achieve better solutions. Let’s explore two crucial techniques that play a vital role in overcoming these challenges:

Overcoming Symmetry

Symmetry in optimization problems can lead to multiple solutions that are equivalent due to the permutation of decision variables. However, exploring the same solution space redundantly can significantly impact the search efficiency. Addressing symmetry is crucial to avoid unnecessary computations and improve the overall solution process. Constraint-based symmetry breaking techniques help identify and eliminate symmetric solutions during the search process. By enforcing constraints that break the symmetry, redundant branches of the search tree are pruned, reducing the number of equivalent solutions explored.

Consider a scheduling problem where several workers have similar skills and can perform the same tasks. Without symmetry breaking, the search space would include permutations of worker assignments that result in identical schedules. By applying constraint-based symmetry breaking, we can restrict the symmetry and explore only one representative from each symmetric group, making the search more efficient.

Soft Constraints and Preferences

In certain real-world scenarios, strict adherence to all constraints may not be possible or may not yield the most desirable solution. In such cases, introducing soft constraints and preferences allows users to specify priorities among constraints. Soft constraints can be violated to achieve a more optimal overall solution, considering the trade-offs between constraint satisfaction and the objective value.

Constraints can be either hard constraints, which set conditions for the variables that are required to be satisfied, or soft constraints, which have some variable values that are penalized in the objective function if, and based on the extent that, the conditions on the variables are not satisfied.

In a workforce scheduling problem, there might be constraints related to maximum working hours or shift preferences for employees. However, in exceptional situations, like staffing during emergencies which is penalized by higher hourly wages, you can use soft constraints to relax the restrictions temporarily, allowing the model to find feasible solutions that deviate from the typical schedule while minimizing disruptions.

Practical Constraint Programming with CPLEX and C++

Introduction to CPLEX’s CP Optimizer

CPLEX’s CP Optimizer is a powerful optimization tool that excels in solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs) using Constraint Programming techniques with Cplex. Unlike traditional optimization methods that focus on finding optimal values for decision variables, CP Optimizer seeks to find solutions that satisfy all given constraints. This makes it particularly suitable for problems with complex constraints and discrete decision variables.

If you are new to Optimization, and need to setup the necessary tools, please refer to our blog “Cplex With C++ on VScode in Ubuntu: How To Guide

Formulating Constraint Programming Models in Cplex With C++

Firstly, in CP Optimizer, you can formulate your optimization models programmatically using the C++ API. The key components of a CP model are:

  1. Decision Variables: Define the variables that represent the unknowns in your problem. Assign domains (possible values) to these variables to restrict their feasible values.
IloIntVar x(env, 0, 9); // x is an integer variable with domain [0, 9]
  1. Constraints: Express the relationships between decision variables using constraints. Constraints limit the possible combinations of variable values.
model.add(x + y == 10); // Constraint: x + y must equal 10

Solving CP Problems with CP Optimizer

Secondly, CP Optimizer uses search strategies and constraint propagation techniques to efficiently explore the solution space and find feasible solutions. The two main techniques are:

Constraint Propagation

This technique infers additional information about decision variables based on logical implications from constraints. It prunes irrelevant branches in the search space, reducing search effort.

IloCP cp(model); // Declares the Model
cp.setParameter(IloCP::LogVerbosity, IloCP::Quiet); // Turn off logging for faster solving
cp.setParameter(IloCP::SearchType, IloCP::DepthFirst); // Use depth-first search
cp.solve(); // Solve the model

Backtracking Search

This is a fundamental algorithm used in CP. It assigns values to decision variables incrementally and backtracks when it encounters a constraint violation.

IloCP cp(model);
cp.startNewSearch(); // Start a new search process

if ( {
    // A solution is found
    cp.printSolution(); // Print the solution

Case Study: Sudoku Puzzle Constraint Program in CP Optimizer

Let’s apply CP Optimizer to solve a classic Sudoku puzzle. In Sudoku, we must fill a 9×9 grid with digits from 1 to 9, adhering to certain rules:

  • Each row must contain all digits from 1 to 9 without repetition.
  • Each column must contain all digits from 1 to 9 without repetition.
  • Each of the nine 3×3 subgrids (boxes) must contain all digits from 1 to 9 without repetition.
IloModel model(env);
IloIntVarArray cells(env, 81, 1, 9); // 81 cells representing the Sudoku grid

// Constraints for rows, columns, and boxes
for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
    IloIntVarArray row(env, 9);
    IloIntVarArray col(env, 9);
    IloIntVarArray box(env, 9);

    for (int j = 0; j < 9; ++j) {
        row[j] = cells[i * 9 + j];
        col[j] = cells[j * 9 + i];
        int x = 3 * (i / 3) + j / 3;
        int y = 3 * (i % 3) + j % 3;
        box[j] = cells[x * 9 + y];

    model.add(IloAllDiff(row)); // All rows must be different
    model.add(IloAllDiff(col)); // All columns must be different
    model.add(IloAllDiff(box)); // All box must be different

IloCP cp(model);
cp.solve(); // The Solving

cp.printSolution(); // Print the solved Sudoku grid

This case study demonstrates how CP Optimizer can efficiently solve complex problems with intricate constraints.


Overall, In this comprehensive article, we have explored the world of Constraint Programming (CP) and its practical implementation with Cplex. We started by understanding the theoretical foundations of CP. We learned about Constraint Satisfaction Problems, backtracking search algorithms, and constraint propagation techniques. Then, we delved into the practical aspect, discussing the formulation of CP models and the different types of constraints available in CP Optimizer.

As you venture into the world of mathematical optimization, Constraint Programming will undoubtedly emerge as a valuable tool in your toolkit. Its ability to tackle combinatorial problems and address intricate constraints opens up endless possibilities for optimizing various domains, from logistics and transportation to manufacturing and finance.

Embrace the power of Constraint Programming and CP Optimizer to unleash new levels of efficiency. Make informed decisions, and unlock the potential for optimization in your projects and business endeavors.

If you want to pursue an academic program in operations research, check our list of the top 49 operations research master’s programs in the world for 2024.

Happy optimizing!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Constraint Programming? And how does it differ from traditional optimization methods?

What are Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs), and how do they relate to Constraint Programming?

What are the key algorithms used in Constraint Programming?

How can I use CPLEX’s CP Optimizer to solve Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs) programmatically in C++?

Djillali Boutouili
Djillali Boutouili

Djillali is an accomplished Operations Research Scientist specializing in solving complex problems and optimizing business processes. With expertise in mathematical modeling and data-driven decision-making, Djillali drives efficiency and enhances organizational success through their innovative approaches.

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